Driving in Spain is more than simply sticking to the “wrong side of the road”. If you drive a car in Spain you need to be aware of the laws as outlined on this page. You also need to know about Spanish Rules of The Road – click the link for more info.
You must have the following documents with you at all times:
Your passport. Your driving licence. Proof of the insurance. Your vehicle registration.
Spanish law also insists that your vehicle is equipped with:
2 EU approved Red warning triangles, at least one EU approved reflective jacket, spare light bulbs (plus any necessary tools to change them), a first aid kit, fire extinguisher, a spare wheel, and a sticker indicating the nationality of the car. Reflective jackets must be kept inside the car – and MUST be put on before you get out of the car after a breakdown, an accident, or if the police stop you.
Rental Cars must also be properly equipped – make sure before you drive one away! Check our Benidorm Car Rental section for the best companies.
You should also be aware that:
Driving without a license will automatically land you in prison for 6 months! Wearing seat-belts is obligatory – in the front and the rear. Children under 12 cannot travel in the front of a car without a child-seat/booster. It is illegal for a driver to use a mobile phone – even when stopped at the roadside. If you wear glasses for driving, you must carry a spare pair in the car.
Drink Driving:
Contrary to popular belief, Spanish drink-driving laws are very strict. The legal limit is around half the limit in the UK. Best not to drink at all if you are driving.
On the spot fines:
For most minor offences, foreign drivers will receive on the spot fines. If you don’t have the cash to pay them, the police may escort you to a cash machine! If you still can’t pay – you may well be arrested and detained.
Obviously no parking is allowed where warning signs are displayed. Parking is also prohibited in areas where the curb is painted yellow.
Parking is metered in some areas. In other areas, spaces are marked in blue. A ticket needs to be purchased to park in these spaces. In some places you can buy a parking ticket from a machine. In other areas, an attendant will sell you a parking ticket.
If you leave your car in a restricted area, your car may be towed. A sticker will be placed on the curb telling you where the car has been taken. The fees to get your car back can be very high.
Be aware that reducing road accidents is currently a top priority for the Spanish government – so don’t ignore these laws. Also pay strict attention to speed limits!
You should also read our guide to Spanish Rules of The Road
And you may be interested in our reviews of Benidorm Car Hire Companies
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