First time trip to Spain

Hi guys, my wife and I are planning a 12-14 day trip to Spain. We both don’t know where to start in regards to planning. We would definitely like to visit Barcelona and Seville that’s for sure. What additional cities would suggest in order to include them. Also how many days would you allocate to see them?
What do I need to know before I go to Spain? I know that :

  • People eat very late.
  • Most people don’t actually sleep during siesta time.
  • Things don’t always start on time.
  • The public transport is excellent.
  • Spanish isn’t the only official language in Spain.
  • Paella and Sangria are not available everywhere.

What else?

All suggestions welcomed!


  1. You can stop by Granada(which has Alhambra[buy tickets in advance], and a lot of moor architecture) spend like 2 days there. Or Madrid(the capital, has so many good places to eat[bar hop/open markets], and some cool museums, spend like 3-4days. Close to Seville is Malaga or Cadiz which are both great places by the ocean if you like beaches, or you can stop by Valencia which is another great place(famous for its paella).

  2. I am going for 12 days in June with my gf. We are doing Madrid, San Sebastián, and Barcelona. Depending on the time of year you are planning to go, Andalucía can be oppressively hot. I personally prefer Madrid to Barcelona, and I think it is a relatively underrated city that offers the best day trip options of practically any European capital. Andalucía is certainly more closely aligned to the romanticized idea of what many Americans think Spain is all about, but don’t sleep on the North… the Basque Country and Asturias are incredible.

  3. It might be too much for this trip but Galicia in Western Spain has amazing seafood and good Albariño wine. It will cost you a fraction of what you would pay in the more touristy areas. The scenery reminds me a bit of the California coast.

  4. and don’t forget, remember the Spain’s Do’s and Don’ts!
    Do not complain about smoking. …
    Do not get involved with any drugs. …
    Do not wear shorts in public, except to the beach.
    Do not eat with your hands.
    Do not walk around at night alone.
    Do not cross the eight lane roads anywhere except at the crossings.

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